

What is Bariatric Surgery in Pakistan?
Bariatric surgery in Pakistan is also known as weight loss surgery. It helps in losing weight by restricting the stomach in absorbing food. It involves the malabsorption of food and nutrients. At ALSA, our expert Dr. Tahir Yunus carry out this.
Bariatric surgery in Pakistan involves minimum invasive techniques.
Bariatric surgery can save you from serious health risks and can help you get a healthy lifestyle and diet plan.
After bariatric surgery you need to look at your diet and exercise as well if you want to maintain your weight and health.
Bariatric surgery is for people who have BMI above 40, and they also possess serious health issues like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, joints pain, infertility, and PCOs.
Bariatric surgery involves three further types.

Types of Bariatric surgery in Pakistan
There are three types of bariatric surgeries we provide at ALSA:
• Laparoscopic Roux-Y gastric bypass
Gastric bypass is done to help you lose weight and fight diseases like diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and joints pain.
It helps you lose weight by stapling off the upper part of your stomach and attaching that pouch with a small intestine.
• Laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass
Laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass is a very reliable procedure. It is a quick procedure, and it involves quite less invasion as compared to gastric bypass.
• Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the procedure that involves the restriction of the stomach. It involves the malabsorption of the food. It involves a quick recovery.
Which Bariatric Surgery is suitable for you?
Your bariatric surgeon will decide the bariatric surgery best for you and will also guide you about the benefits and disadvantages of that procedure.
Your bariatric surgeon will also guide you about the pre-operative and post-operative care.
Bariatric surgery in Pakistan is now quite recognized and is being suggested by many Consultants to obese people who have failed losing weight with exercise and diet plans. So bariatric surgery in Pakistan is a ray of hope for all obese with underlying health issues.
Bariatric surgery is a step towards attaining healthy and fit life quicker but you need to start eating healthy as well.
Maintaining a proper diet with bariatric surgery is what will help you in attaining the required weight and the maintaining that.
Different diet plans, like keto and plato diets will help you in maintaining the weight of your choice and will also let you fight the health risks related to obesity.

Posted by alsapakistan6 on 2020-07-07 05:44:58
