Eating Disorder Recovery, Weight Loss Camps and Bariatric Surgery, with Laur Plawker

Today, I’m speaking with Laur Plawker who is a Primary Special Education Teacher, based in Baltimore, Maryland USA. Laur struggled with body image issues and a disordered relationship with food from very young, along with other mental health conditions. As a teenager, Laur’s eating came more under focus. She went to summer camps, specifically focused on weight loss, which sadly opened a path into disordered eating and cycles of restriction, bingeing and purging. Overtime, this resulted in escalating weight gain, which began to severely impact her mobility and mental health. Laur then entered an inpatient eating disorder treatment centre and continued work with a therapist, which resulted in her stopping all eating disorder behaviours; however, she continued to struggle with severe health consequences, as a result of weight gain. After much careful thought and consideration, Laur decided to have bariatric surgery. She is pleased to say that 1 ½ years on from this surgery that she is living a life with a healthy relationship with food, responding to hunger, fullness, movement and rest cues and living a life of balance. I hope that you enjoy this episode.

To find out more about Laur:

Instagram: @thehealthyhappycook

Book recommendation: ‘The Fuck It Diet’ by Caroline Dooner

Instagram recommendation: @thenutritiontea


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