Nova Obesity Center

Nova Obesity Center

Nova Hospital is a leading bariatric hospital in Tijuana Mexico with 10 years of experience doing the LAP BAND Procedure As a result both the professional and ancillary staff is familiar with the unique needs of obesity surgery patients. NOVA’S experienced bariatric surgery team will ensure you receive the finest care available. In addition, NOVA has an outstanding anesthesia department that is well equipped to handle the morbidly obese patient.
In choosing to have surgery with us, you will benefit from a comprehensive program staffed by an expert team of Board-certified surgeons, advanced nurse practitioners and registered dieticians. Surgery is actually one element of our program; as important are pre-surgery education programs and lifelong follow-up and support in helping you after surgery. Our team will partner with you in achieving your weight-loss goals and improve your quality of life.

Posted by hospitalnova on 2008-09-24 20:48:57

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